Dr Robin Kelly - Family Physician / Health effects
Michael Vaunghan - Child Psychologist / Effect on children
Alexei Yachine - Mechatronics Engineer / Measurements
Paul Waddell - Building Biologist / EMR protection
Entry is FREE! (A Koha / donation is appreciated to keep us going)
Come along, bring a friend and get informed!
All material related to this talk will be added to this folder
The talk will cover the following and more!
Understanding the EMFs in our environment is becoming more and more important. As the infrastructure around us grows so too does the EMF footprint of our surroundings. Our modern homes, travel and work, with advancing technology is increasing our EMF exposures on a daily basis.
EarthWaves EMF Surveys recognises this and has over 10 years experience surveying and mitigating New Zealand homes and businesses. Michael is our south island representative and is looking forward to talking to STANZ on a range of topics including:
Michael also has a very unique story to tell about what lead him into a role as an EMF surveyor and his own journey with health and EHS.
Organiser: https://safertechnology.org.nz
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Cras aliquam lectus non laoreet ornare. Aliquam scelerisque orci quis lacus tincidunt, non blandit massa venenatis. In malesuada aliquam lacus, sed rhoncus enim fermentum sit amet. Praesent sit amet sem quis urna accumsan congue. Aenean eget auctor augue, sit amet porttitor metus. Morbi ut sollicitudin nibh, nec auctor tortor.
Nunc mattis eros eget augue auctor, eget facilisis risus rhoncus. Etiam quis neque massa. Proin vel nulla elementum, ornare lacus quis, pulvinar risus. Suspendisse pretium, tellus at facilisis fringilla, ex quam pharetra lorem, et mollis enim quam ac lorem. Proin nec lacus ut lectus varius consequat at quis urna.
Cras aliquam lectus non laoreet ornare. Aliquam scelerisque orci quis lacus tincidunt, non blandit massa venenatis. In malesuada aliquam lacus, sed rhoncus enim fermentum sit amet. Praesent sit amet sem quis urna accumsan congue. Aenean eget auctor augue, sit amet porttitor metus. Morbi ut sollicitudin nibh, nec auctor tortor.